Porritt throws first rock about three feet from house on center line
Reddick playing draw behind guard just thrown...ends up four foot, only a corner buried
Porritt draws down to rock just thrown, taps it to back four, sits biting top four
Reddick plays beautiful draw down to Porritt's stone, bumps it a foot, sits on top
Porritt plays around the guard the other way, sits top eight Questionable who is shot in four foot Porritt sitting top 4, Reddick sitting back four
Reddick playing peel on front guard to open up center line
Porritt plays tap on rock in 12 foot, angles it to part of four foot on tee line, but not shot
Reddick plays hit on rock on side of 4 foot, hits and rolls to bite the button, but wide open
Porritt plays hit on rock on button, jams it on back Reddick stone, Reddick stone sits biting back of the button 1/2 buried
rocks are lined up like this... Porritt sits biting top 8, Reddick has stone right in behind full 8, Porritt is sitting top four, Reddick sitting behind that biting button
Reddick playing hit on top Porritt stone, hits it, but sends her rock in the full 8 out of the house and rolls off to the edge of the 12. Reddick still sits one back button
Porritt plays draw down to rock on back button sits about six inches in front of it. Porritt is now shot
Reddick playing hit on top Porritt stone, jams it on Porritt's stone on top four and sends it into the 8 foot. Porritt still shot, but house is now wide open with no guards
Porritt playing to hit her own stone on the button back onto the Reddick stone, makes it great to sit three
sorry I'm not witty like the other guy who did the last two ends...
Reddick playing double, hits top rock, rolls between other two rocks...Porritt sits on the button and one rock on the edge of 8, Reddick also has rock at back 8, not sure who is shot between those two
Porritt playing freeze to rock on button, sits biting top 4
Reddick playing nose hit on rock just thrown, makes double and rolls to the side of the eight foot
Measurement to determine shot....
Porritt is shot...
Score is Porritt 4, Reddick 2