Saturday, November 17, 2007

Tim Horton's / Reddick vs Porritt 5th end

Reddick....lead guard 4 feet ahead of house

Porritt...draws behind guard...8 foot..not buried

Reddick..draws to left side 12 may be biting...can't tell from this vantage point

Porritt...draws to back 4 foot...looks buried.

Reddick..great draw to freeze on shot

Porritt...draw attempt stays outside

Reddick...tap and inside roll to count 1 own rock to button...this sucker is buried

Reddick...comes up short...guards

Porritt...plays the double peel to open center line

Reddick...guard 2 feet ahead of house hoping to keep Porritt to one

Porritt..thinking....thinking....thinking....more thinking.....this may take a while....finally here we go...howitzer down the middle....peels one red rock.

Reddick...Skips first rock...replaces peeled guard on center line.

Porritt...ticks off guard...(guard not happy)...taps own rock ahead but not enough for counting 2

Reddick...last rock....great guard to stop any potential what?

Porritt...last rock...this, if it works, would be a great double raise....just missed...should be counting one...stand by...

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