Saturday, November 17, 2007

Tim Horton's / Reddick vs Porritt End 3

Reddick throws first stone top 12 center line

Porritt plays corner guard tight to rings

Reddick sits tight to rings leaving 3/4 of rock in 12 foot exposed

Porritt plays hit on Reddick stone in 12 foot... catches 1/2 of it and rolls behind their own guard leaving 3/4 exposed

Reddick plays hit on front Porritt guard...noses guard but misses Porritt stone in house

Porritt plays draw around Reddick guard on other side of house, sits back four buried

Reddick playing draw down to Porritt stone just thrown, just makes it by the guard, taps Porritt stone to back 12, stays buried in four fout

Porritt plays down to Reddick stone just thrown, taps it to back four foot, stays shot 1/2 exposed behind guard

Reddick plays down to Porritt stone just thrown ... rock stays outside a bit, taps Porritt stone to back four, sits outside edge of four... looks like Porritt is shot

(Lawton is facing six against Kleibrink, hits and rolls out, Kleibrink steals five)

Porritt plays tap on Reddick stone, taps it to back twelve, rolls into four foot, buried behind Reddick guard

Reddick is playing draw down same path... curls onto guard, sits outside rings, leaving Porritt buried behind two staggered guards

Porritt is sitting two, discussing next shot

Porritt throws guard halfway to house sits center line

Reddick playing draw around guard just thrown, sits in 8 foot, Porritt still sitting 2

Porritt plays guard to take away raise on Reddick stone just thrown, makes it perfect

Reddick doesn't have alot of options, has to play draw outside in to try to get to four foot ... racks on guard.

Porritt...wicks and rolls into 4 foot...hold on for a measurement...very close...scores 2

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